American Legion Riders Prayer
Almighty God, We give you thanks, for
giving us a land of the free that we can
enjoy riding through its beauty of trees,
valleys and mountains and rivers. You
have blessed us with good health to our
bodies, minds and spirits, so that we
can appreciate your awesome gifts of
owning a bike to ride and friends and
comrades that can appreciate the same.
Help us to help those in need in their
lives, so that they too can prosper in all
that they are capable of doing and
becoming for the glory of God. We ask
for your safety and protection as we
travel far and near and to unknown
places. Make our lives to be good
examples as a Legion Rider who cares
about veterans and our troops who are
serving, and Lord, be with their families
right now. Especially at this time, be
with those who are grieving for those
who have given the Ultimate Sacrifice for
their beloved country. Give each of us
the strong sense of your presence and
your guidance in all things. In your name
we pray. AMEN
From our National Chaplain - Larry
L. Vollink 10 November 2008
The American Legion Riders is a family oriented group working with
the American Legion to promote and aid in the support of our veteran
community. The idea of a riders group within the American Legion
originated in 1993 when the American Legion Post 396 in Garden City
Michigan approached their commander with the concept. It was
accepted as a program of the American Legion. It was the brainchild
of Legionnaire Chuck (Tramp) Dare and approved by Commander
(Polka) Bill Kaledas.
From this humble beginning grew a movement within the American
Legion that has spread to posts throughout the United States. True to
its original intentions, Legion Riders provide a great service to the
communities they live in. They organize charity rides, poker runs and
hospital visits. They ride in parades and their presence is a visible
extension of the American Legion. They contribute their time and
effort to strengthening their respective posts and spreading good will
throughout their community.
The National American Legion Riders Movement
All Events will be posted on the Calendar
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Killed in Action